Have you heard the saying “a clean home equals a clean mind”? The same is true for your work/school desk. Having things clean and organized allows you to work and learn uninterrupted, without searching for the necessary supplies needed for success. Proper desk and keyboard height are also important considerations, along with a comfortable chair positioned at the correct height.
One of the most frustrating things about working or learning from home can be unreliable internet and WiFi coverage. There are a few simple things you can do to improve your overall reliability, such as checking for damaged cables and making sure that cables are pushed in all the way. Next, consider the age of your router and the devices that you are using via WiFi? Older devices have limited capabilities and it may be time for you to consider an upgrade. It’s also important that you make sure you are running the latest system software. If your speed or WiFi coverage still have you down, consider getting the experts at Echo Workshop involved. An access point can go a long way in covering the WiFi dead spots in your home, and with WIFi6 options available, coverage and speed are better than ever.
Now that your space is set up to learn and work optimally, here are just a few friendly reminders! Make sure that you get up and take a little walk around your house now and then to get your blood (and brain) flowing. Set time aside to stretch. Drink plenty of water and make sure that you have nutritious snacks and meals available.
All of us at Echo Workshop wish you a great start to the new school year, and remember, we are here to help with all of your technology needs.
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