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Every customer loves fast, personalized, and efficient service, but it is hard to deliver on these crucial aspects of hospitality when your waitstaff and customers can't hear each other. When orders are taken incorrectly because of miscommunication due to loud ambient noise, it not only slows down service and wastes valuable inventory, it upsets the customer; your most important asset.

With customized acoustical wall treatments from Echo Workshop, food orders are correct because everyone can hear each other, your management team is communicating efficiently with the staff, and your waiters are focused on the customer at hand, helping them feel special and cared for on their night out. Your restaurant is now operating like a well-oiled machine.


You want your restaurant to be a first-choice destination, not a backup plan. You want your restaurant to be the spot in town people recommend to their friends and family, the restaurant CEOs take their clients to when they want to impress them. But it's hard to attain such a high status when the ambiance of your restaurant is ruined by unwanted noise.

By improving your restaurant with custom acoustical wall treatments, you will create a sanctuary for the senses for your patrons. Customers will no longer have to compete with other tables for the attention and ears of their guests; they will be able to fully focus on each other and their meals, improving their dining experience and increasing the likelihood of repeat business. Upgrading your restaurant with acoustical wall treatments can help solidify your business as a destination where guests, from CEOs to couples, feel comfortable being private in public.


So you love the idea of acoustical wall treatments, you love the thought of becoming a more profitable and desirable restaurant, but maybe you are wondering how these panels will affect your restaurant's aesthetic? Worry not! Working with Echo Workshop, you can be assured that our experts will work with you to customize your acoustical wall treatments to suit your needs and desires. Panels can be customized and blended in many ways to fit all aesthetic and technical needs. They can help add a modern touch to a bland space or improve an elegant space without becoming intrusive. 

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Streamline Your Office with Commercial Automation


See Also: Restaurant and Audio Visual Solutions in Houston, TX


Voice control is usually thought of as a home luxury. It acts as a personal assistant to accomplish basic tasks around the house. It may, however, be making its way into businesses soon. Here’s how:

  • Individual Offices: With voice control devices like the Amazon Echo, it’s easy to adjust the temperature and lights, make notes, ask for an internet search, and make phone calls, all with a simple voice command. No need to take time in switching tasks and risk losing focus.
  • Boardroom Control: Let’s say you’re running a boardroom meeting with multiple technology devices like laptops, projectors, lighting control systems, and maybe even more.

    With voice control as part of your commercial automation, you can adjust the lights and start your presentation with a simple voice command. Let the technology do the work for you so that you can focus on making a great impression. And imagine the impact when the lights dim and presentation starts at your command!


Your projector and screen setup are likely the foundation of each presentation. The technology has the power to impress and enhance your presentation. But, if it’s not working well, it also can leave your audience sitting around waiting for you to get the setup just right. When that happens, it affects the meeting’s effectiveness and productivity.   

First, find the right screen and projector for the size of your meeting room. Select a projector with enough brightness to be visible regardless of other light entering the room. To accompany it, install a high-contrast screen that will make text and imagery clear so that nobody is struggling to see the presentation.

With commercial automation, you can sync these devices and control them from one source — be it your smartphone, a remote or another touchscreen device.

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How Commercial Automation Helps Your Office Run More Efficiently


See Also: Streamline Your Office with Commercial Automation


Simplifying boardroom and meeting space operations can make your meeting run more smoothly so your staff can work more productively.

Technology is a big part of your day-to-day toolset. From video displays to public address systems, you can’t escape the need for smart technology.

With an integrated commercial automation system, you can control everything with a single touch. A tap on your control device will lower the shades, start the projector and turn on the PA system.

That way, you can focus on the work, not on setting up the tech.

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