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What You Need to Get Started with Conference Room Automation




You’ve heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, the right video display in your conference room is worth more than just words. By communicating effectively through visual means, you can reduce the amount of time spent in meetings while providing information in an impactful, memorable way.

A 4K projector and screen combination is one of the easiest ways to showcase training videos, graphs and charts, and video conferences while also saving space.

The touch of a button will drop your integrated projector and screen from the ceiling, turn them on, and begin displaying the information you need. High-lumen projection will ensure everyone can see what they need to even in high ambient-light conditions. High-contrast screen options will also prevent washed-out looking images.


Tired of raising and lowering your shades day in and day out? The easiest way to control the look of your video projector is through integrated lighting and shading control.

When you engage your system via your tablet, computer, or wall-mounted controller, the projector and screen drop, while the lights dim and the shades lower. The high level of control ensures your messaging isn’t lost due to poor lighting conditions. This allows your team to focus and be productive throughout the day.

Additionally, you can use more intricate lighting controls to draw attention to the front of the room. If a staff member presents to the rest of the team, give them a “spotlight” with zone controls that allow individual command over the lights in that section of the room.


A key component of any video display is the accompanying audio. Don’t rely on the poor-quality, native speakers of your installed projector. You team will lose interest in seconds. Make sure everyone can hear clearly with smart audio distribution.

By installing an in-wall speaker system, you can keep clutter to a minimum while providing hotspot-free audio. Don’t worry about playing the sound too loudly in some parts of the room just do it can be heard in others. Intelligent audio design and configuration offers full coverage for even listening.


An issue that is difficult with conference room technology is making all the different systems and devices work together effectively. That’s where a control system comes in. You will need a system that connects all of the devices you have in one easy-to-use, connected network. Just use the touchscreen on your control device, like a tablet or smartphone, and control all the devices in your boardroom at once.

No matter how big your conference room is, with integrated audio solutions you can be sure everyone will have the opportunity to hear the information and make the most of the time in your workspace.

Ready to begin installing your conference room automation system? This technology is just the beginning. If you’re interested in learning more about how smart technology can benefit your business, let’s talk!

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