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Tech can improve quality of life.  Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning (thinking, reasoning, and remembering).  Imagine the frustration of wanting to watch a favorite TV program or simply listen to the radio and not being able to.  Virtual assistants can help.  If the client is able to perfect the use of basic voice commands, then an Alexa or smart remote may simplify use and relieve frustration.  Virtual assistants can also be programmed to give reminders at set times throughout the day (i.e. medication reminders, appointments), taking a little pressure off the caregiver.

Remote Monitoring.  There are so many options today when considering how to best protect our loved ones.  From camera installations to motion detectors to door sensors, all areas of a home can be set to be monitored remotely.   We now have the ability to help monitor the safety of our parents from across the country or from our office across town if needed.  Did your dad leave all the lights on, turn the thermostat up to 90 degrees, or forget to turn off an appliance?  With smart home technology, this can all be accessed off site and adjusted immediately.

Technology is not just about safety, but also about independence and quality of life, allowing people with Alzheimer’s the ability to stay comfortably in their own homes for longer (aging in place).  And, when it comes down to it, that’s all we really want for our parents – as much comfort and ease as they gave us growing up.

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