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Lighting matters!  Our bodies naturally want to follow the light cycle of the sun (circadian rhythm).  This is not only important to our overall daytime feeling of alertness and wellbeing, but also our sleep cycle, and when our bodies are not getting enough sunlight, we may feel fatigued and experience insomnia. Echo Workshop has LED lighting available that can replicate sunlight and give you that extra boost you’re looking for.  Experience an improvement in mood, mental acuity, and better sleep with the right lighting for your space.

Are you a biophiliac?  You may have heard a lot about biophilia lately and how our connection to nature increases our wellbeing.  Bringing the outdoors into your office with plants can reduce stress, increase productivity, and even increase the rate at which we heal.  Can you believe something as simple as a succulent can have so many health benefits?

Do you have allergies?  Perhaps you are noticing increased headaches.  Air quality is an important consideration when assessing your office space.  A good quality air purifier can combat viruses and bacteria and improve seasonal allergy symptoms.  Echo Workshop can provide you with a superior quality air purification system for just one room or help you with a whole-home solution. 

The space you’re in matters.  Separating work and living spaces gives us the ability to truly “leave work” at the end of the day.  If you have a dedicated office space – great.  If your office space is far removed from the activity in the rest of your home – even better.  However, if you are using part of your living room or bedroom for you home office, there are ways to give yourself some separation.  That way when the workday is through, it will be easier to leave your work mindset behind and truly be “home.”  Try a foldable room divider, curtain, or standing shelf with plants interspersed (remember biophilia). 

Finally, let’s get back to the basics.  Do your best to keep your workspace clean and uncluttered.  Removing the chaos also lends itself to our overall feeling of wellbeing.  Turn on your favorite music and maybe even try a few dance moves or a quick walk around the house to get your blood flowing, loosen tense muscles, and increase alertness.

If you continue to work/learn from home, we are here to answer your questions about technology and your wellbeing.  At Echo Workshop we take wellness seriously and can design your technology to improve your lifestyle.

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