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Seura Outdoor TVs are designed to turn outdoor spaces into event-worthy areas that are sure to impress and bring comfort to your family. Although it's tempting to simply place an indoor TV outside in order to facilitate a last-minute tailgate, an indoor TV is simply not going to give the same performance. Indoor TVs aren't waterproof and will not function well in extreme temperatures. Additionally, the picture will usually suffer, as the screens of indoor TVs are calibrated to function indoors, so they aren't bright enough to be seen in sunlight. 

In contrast, Seura Outdoor TVs are specifically designed to function outside. They withstand moisture, as well as extreme temperatures and, are three times brighter than indoor TVs, so they're actually visible in full sunlight. If watching football is part of your Thanksgiving tradition and celebrating outdoors is one of the ways you've considered modifying your holiday this year, an outdoor TV would be an excellent investment. There's no comparison to the performance you'll receive from a Seura Outdoor TV.

Additionally, if TV isn't really part of your traditions, you can still upgrade your outdoor space into something magical by adding in outdoor lighting and audio systems. Outdoor lighting design can completely change the mood of your backyard or patio. While in the past we may have associated outdoor lights with dim, unreliable offerings, now we have available lights that can completely transform the way you use your space. Lutron Lighting Control can remember your favorite lights and sync them to your schedule, as well as offer energy-efficient options and adjustable dimmers.

Having an outdoor audio system professionally installed can offer the good vibes that you want to groove to when you bring your holiday celebration outdoors. While you could simply bring your phone outside to play music, the quality of the sound would simply not compare to the quality (or even the ease-of-use) of a professionally installed outdoor audio system. Everyone enjoys a crisp, clear sound that floats at an even tone throughout the yard, allowing easy conversations over the music. A perfect ambiance that transforms your outdoor space into something incredible.


This kind of technology also offers year-round benefits. Who doesn't want to enjoy their favorite entertainment while simultaneously enjoying everything nature has to give? The same technology that can help bring family and friends together during sports games can upgrade summer parties and create memorable birthdays. 

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Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you breathe fresh air? How invigorating it is when you step outside? Well, there's a reason for that: the air outside your home actually tends to be cleaner than the air inside your home! Yes, you read that right. According to the EPA, indoor air pollution tends to be 2 to 5 times greater than that of outdoor air pollution. Higher air pollution in your home means poor health and poor sleep, which means it's going to be difficult to get up at 5:00 A.M. for that home workout. At Echo Workshop we have partnered with Pure365 to bring you the premiere home air purification systems: the "Super V" Whole House Air Cleaner and the Ultrafine 468 for single room and area purification. When you're breathing cleaner, you're living better.


There's something else about clean, fresh air that I'm sure you've noticed: it helps you sleep. Ever fall asleep on the beach? On a picnic blanket? I bet you have and that is because fresher air means better sleep. A 2017 study by the American Thoracic Society found that high levels of air pollution over time may get in the way of a good night's sleep, and we all know how terrible we feel and look after a night of restless sleep. With a Pure365 air purification system, you can rest easier and better knowing your home's air quality is safe and pure. Furthermore, with all that sound sleep you'll be getting you'll be looking and feeling younger—and who wouldn't want that? 


Your home is your sanctuary. A place of safety and security. It is the place where you raise and love your family; it is important to protect them. Echo Workshop can help you ensure your family's safety and health for years to come by finding the air purification system that is right for your home. According to the first WHO Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health young children and elderly adults are most at risk for health problems related to air pollution, especially indoors. The Super V Whole House Air Cleaner from Pure365 utilizes technology that is currently used by hospitals and the military. It's patented DFS (Disinfecting Filtration System) technology deactivates mold, viruses, fungi, and bacteria all the way down to 0.007 micron, which is smaller than most viruses! It also helps to reduce harmful gases and odors. With an air purification system in your home, you'll never have to worry about whether the air your family breathes is safe because you'll know it is.

You work hard to provide the best life for you and your family. You deserve clean, pure, safe air to breathe at the home you have built for them. This Respiratory Care Week, let our home customization experts at Echo Workshop help you choose the air purification system that is right for you and your family. Whether it is for your entire home or just one room, we have an air purification system to suit your needs. Contact us today to start living a better, happier, healthier you.




We all want our homes to be "smarter." We'd love to walk into a room and effortlessly dim the lights, turn on the music, adjust the shades, turn up the heat—and even make a movie screen descend from the ceiling, all with the touch of a button. The more smart features we add to a space, however, the more challenging it is to seamlessly integrate all our high-tech devices — and make sure they're not an eyesore.

Devices require power outlets, keypads, switches, data jacks, dimmers, touch panels, and more all around our home. Most often, they need to be in less-than-ideal spots, usually in our direct line-of-sight. Typical electrical outlets and light switch covers will interrupt a room's design flow and create unsightly bumps, A.K.A. "wall acne."

To further complicate the issue, you may find decorative hardware that you like, but chances are it won't be compatible with devices from different manufacturers.


Our team at Echo Workshop combines a well-thought-out plan with the right tools to overcome these challenges. We specialize in making functionality beautiful. Trufig systems are our secret weapon because they can power up all types of electronic and high-tech devices, invisibly.

Once your wall acne clears up, your interiors will be perfectly smooth—and your space will feel instantly upgraded. Your furnishings and artwork will suddenly pop against a seamless backdrop.

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Having the perfect audio/video system in your garage will not only make your garage a man cave, but it will also take it to next level man cave status. Creating the right sounds in your garage will allow you to create an atmosphere around your car, give it even more mystique than it already has just by being a classic, and of course give you some great music to keep you going as you work on your car. You can also listen to the game, of course. Having a TV or monitor hanging on the wall is another way to up the level of your man cave garage. There is nothing like having the game on, tweaking your classic car, and spending Sunday afternoon in your man cave to make a guy's day. 


Integration is a popular word these days with technology being integral to our lives. It's now more important than ever to have all of our technology connected and working in sync. Integrating your audio/video system in your garage is another way to make your man cave more enjoyable to use.  By integrating all of your technology, you can control everything from the audio to the visual to the cameras in your garage with one remote. This means your garage now not only has a hot classic car inside, it also has the most up-to-date technology available, making your garage your new favorite place to hang out in your house.


Finding the right technology to show off your classic car and your man cave can be overwhelming. There are many options to choose from, so knowing what you want and what would work best for your home can go a long way toward narrowing those options down.  However, that can be easier said than done if this is your first trip down this road. Echo Workshop can help with that. We have customer service representatives that know just what you need to do to create the perfect man cave for you and your classic car. We can help you choose just the right items, as well as help you set them up and integrate them. In no time at all, you will be showing off your gorgeous car in your ideal space.

There is nothing like stepping into your perfect space. The space that is all yours, all you, and you can relax in. Your garage can be that space for you. The addition of an A/V system can contribute to creating the ideal space in your garage to show off your beautiful classic car, as well as be your man cave and sanctuary from the world outside.  



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